We're Changing the whole Game of
Building websites & online stores


We are a group of content creators, web developers and software engineers

We have been on the market as consumers for over a decade, and we know what we needed on a website.

We have passion and dedication for development and revolution in the way of the web

11+ Years of experience

We've been a user and creator of websites for more than a decade.

3+ Years of development

We've put more than 3 years of dedication to building Kidaaga and test it to make sure it fix clients problems.

Constant Updates

We work every day to make Kidaaga better than it already is based on our customers reviews.

At Kidaaga, we believe that everyone should be able to create beautiful and functional websites without any coding or design skills. That’s why we created a powerful and intuitive website builder that lets you drag and drop elements, customize widgets, and edit content with ease. Whether you need a landing page, a portfolio, a blog, an online store, or anything else, Kidaaga has you covered. Kidaaga is the ultimate solution for anyone who wants to create stunning websites without hassle.

Active Websites
0 K+
Active Users
0 K+
Visitors Per Month
0 K+

Our Vision

We have a bold vision: to empower anyone to create stunning websites without code. We believe that web creation should be fun, easy, and accessible to all. That’s why we built a system that combines powerful features, beautiful design, and seamless integrations.
Kidaaga is more than just a website builder. It’s a community of web creators who share their ideas, feedback, and inspiration.

Team of Leaders & Creatives

Obaro Alidou K.

Software Engineer

Takiath Tolofon

Digital Marketer

Start Building Your Website Now

Join 7K+ plus entrepreneurs and start building your website with Kidaaga. Join now and take 20% OFF your first year.

Start Building Your Website Now

Join 7K+ plus entrepreneurs and start building your ecommerce website with Kidaaga. Join now and get lifetime early access.